Dafalgan codeine comp 30

Dafalgan codeine comp 30
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Dafalgan codeine comp 30
Médicaments - Pharmacie Toky.Codeine is a medicine available in a number of countries worldwide. A list of US medications equivalent to Codeine is available on the Drugs.com website.
Codeine Phosphate containing medications, indications and usages, combinations with ingredients and trade names, index information
Pharmacopoeias: In Chin., Eur. (see ), Int., Jpn, Pol., US, and Viet. Pharmacopoeias may specify the hemihydrate, sesquihydrate, or both, either under one monograph
Code: 114227 Name : DEPI WHITE EYE GEL 15ml. ANTI POCHE/CERNES Company :
Paracetamol - Drugs.com
Codeine - Drugs.com
Pharmacie Toky Andrefan'Ambohijanahary A: ABUFENE 400MG COMP B/30: ACCUMULATEUR DE FROID: ACIDE ACETYLSAL UBI 500MG CP BTE 100*10

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